Law & Disorder

Discover how a kid from the Bronx became America’s Top Drug Prosecutor

Law and Disorder is a must read for prosecutors and law enforcement leaders alike charged with tackling today’s most pressing and complex issues. It provides a blueprint on how prosecutors and investigators can build necessary and trusted partnerships to effectively prosecute criminal networks.  Pursuing justice is a team sport and Bob was the quintessential coach who brought the best players together to work collaboratively and effectively to bring criminals to justice.  As a former Assistant District Attorney and FBI special agent, I am forever indebted to Bob for his leadership and wisdom”

– Michael C. McGarrity –


Assistant Director Counterterrorism, FBI (Ret), Special Agent in Charge, New York Field Office; Director of Counterterrorism, White House National Security Council (NSC)

The story of

Robert H. Silbering

Robert Silbering was born in the Bronx and lived there for thirty years. He went on to graduate from Brooklyn Law School and become an Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan. Within a few years, he became the Chief of the Juvenile Offense Bureau where he prosecuted the infamous Willie Bosket and Laughing Boy murder cases which changed the law in New York and allowed violent juveniles to prosecuted as adults. Mr. Silbering later was appointed a Trial Bureau Chief and the Chief Assistant District Attorney in the Office of the Special Narcotics Prosecutor.

In 1992 he was appointed as the Special Narcotics Prosecutor for New York City. Special Narcotics is the only office in the country created with the sole purpose of investigating and prosecuting felony narcotics crimes. During Mr. Silbering’s tenure as Special Prosecutor the office led the nation in the number of court authorized narcotics search warrants and wiretap orders. Special Narcotics worked with the Drug Enforcement Administration, the NYPD, and other law enforcement agencies to greatly reduce drug related crime in New York City. Upon his departure from Special Narcotics to join the private sector in 1997, Mr. Silbering was honored for his work by over a dozen local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.


Law & Disorder tells the interesting and incredible journey of Robert Silbering. How he went from being a paralegal in the highly respected Manhattan District Attorney's Office to becoming America's top drug prosecutor. Follow him as he rises up the legal ladder and experience the cases he handled along with the important people that he met along the way.

You will get an inside view of how a prosecutor's office operates and be in the room where decisions that affect people's lives are made. The book explores some of the most important issues that society is facing today: Crime, Violence, Drug Legalization, the Opioid Crisis, Fentanyl, and the War on Drugs.

This is a rare view that the reader will experience as to what really takes place in the criminal justice system.

‘Law and Disorder’ chronicles Bob Silbering’s extraordinary and unparalleled career as a prosecutor for many decades successfully tackling the turbulent streets of New York city as it battled the dual plagues of rising crime and drug fueled violence and disorder that for two decades threatened to overwhelm America’s largest and most important city. It’s a must read as Silbering takes you on a high speed roller coaster ride through those turbulent and exciting times.,recounting his experiences working for the legendary Manhattan District Attorney Bob Morgantheau and then as the Special Narcotics Prosecutor for New York City as they confronted many of the crime stories that dominated the front pages of the cities famous tabloids. It is often said that ‘ there are eight million stories in the Naked City’. We’ll, here are some of the best of them. You won’t be disappointed.

- Bill Bratton -

Former New York City Police Commissioner